Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We Need to Point Something Out

We have a new website that is alive.

What do I mean by alive? Well, we are no longer posting our blogs here. We are posting them to our website, which is powered by WordPress. The RSS feed for all blog activity is here. However, you should definitely check out our new website.

We added a calendar and loads of pictures. Every ride we go on will be announced on Twitter (sorry if you hate Twitter, but it works so well for this purpose). All the newest posts will be on the front page of the new site. It is an exciting step for us. Plus, you can comment on pretty much everything that you would want to, including products.

Our latest ride (from yesterday) is on the new website. We even included a Google Earth file for you to see all the subtleties of the ride Phillip and I (scott t.) took.

All this, we hope, adds up to more fun for all cyclists. Thank you for reading and keep the suggestions coming!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Feel Like an Adult Again

Phillip and I (Scott T.) just rode from the shop to Big Phil's house. Big Phil lives out at Monaco and Alemeda. It is definitely not a long haul. It was nice and pitch black, except for when a car would be lurking behind us. I mentioned that I loved when I felt like a kid on my bike, so we began a little list to define when riding feels like you are a kid (again) or when it is too serious. We came up with some ground rules for when it feels like you are a kid, and as a general rule, it seems like an adult ride when the opposite is true:

To feel like a kid:
1. You don't have to be in a car in order to ride. Examples - Races, far away mountain rides, driving to Washington Park for laps.
2. You don't know exactly where you are going. This does not have to include getting lost.
3. You aren't in a hurry.
4. You aren't in serious ride clothes (though sometimes that just happens).
5. When you don't discuss anything about the bikes you are on.

This is not to say we don't love adult style rides, but sometimes it is nice to just pedal along like school is out.
Any rules you need to add should be thrown into the comments.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Palmer Park Spring Ride

Palmer Park Spring Ride by Scott T.

Brian and I went to Palmer Park yesterday. We met one of our friends, Scott N., who promised us a tough, but not TOO tough tour of Palmer Park.

Brian: Maverick Durance - 9 speeds
Scott: Titus Racer-X Carbon - 27speeds
Scott N.: The 'Don' McLean - Rigid 29 SS

We ended up each wrecking several times. After clearing something that I didn't think I would make, I found small rocks to stop me in my tracks. Brian and Scott both had little pedal issues that caused little problems. We had NO FACE PLANTS, which is always a plus.

At the completion, we went to The Curry Leaf in CO Springs. Highly highly highly recommended. Great after ride meal. They need to have cots for nap time after.

47 Photos right here!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Perfect helmet?

Yeah. It has a movie camera.
And yeah, that is a light.
And if you aren't able to speak, the sticker is a good start to find help for you.
We think we may have nailed it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Stopped Sweating

Pueblo was hot on Wednesday. by scott t.

HOT. Like sunburn hot.

Brian, Chris, Lorraine and I went to Pueblo for a mountain bike excursion. Did we mention that the weather was warm?

We had been been warned that the trails would be dry and possibly super fun. None of us had been there before.

The bike line up was as follows:
Brian - Maverick Durance
Chris - Maverick ML7
Lorraine - Jamis Dakar XAM
Scott - Titus Racer-X

The ride started out on a high note with a fast rolling, lots of curves downhill. Not really downhill, but not flat or uphill. It was great. We were following a map that was to say the least, not accurate. Maybe we shouldn't even say following. As we got to the bottom of the map, we knew it wasn't quite right. There were signs posted that weren't included with the map. So, we went left instead of right (always go right). This was a super duper long cut. We *had* decided a distance that we could cover in a reasonable amount of time. But, with the wrong turn we went a lot further than planned.

Long story short, we had a good time. That is until we all ran out of water. Chris especially was hurting. The rest of us just stopped sweating. This was noticed as we once again had a good idea of where we were and where we wanted to go. These trails were interesting because when they were technical, they were super duper fun and technical. When they weren't, they were dusty dirt and shale. It was definitely a practice at knowing what speed you like before you go through a turn.

We made is safely back to the car and went immediately to recover with some pizza and water. (Chris slept most of the way home)

This is where we were, but we didn't listen to this music.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Down Under

We stumbled upon this article of interest today:

Bike sales 38 per cent higher than car sales in 2008

Apparently in Australia, it goes a little something like this:

Economy bad.
Car sales bad.
Bike sales good.
Bike sales > Car sales

In America, we rarely see an article about a drive to work that is without incident, but a car crash is a whole different story!

The economy is a car crash with flames and kabooms.

Keep your eyes forward and don't rubberneck and we will all come out on the other side.