Thursday, April 26, 2007

Poetry in Motion

During this last rain storm, I saw so many cyclists riding and smiling and being tough as hell all at once. It made me feel great inside. I was walking because Myra almost pulls me off the bike when it is dry out...

It occurred to me how bikes and cars should be separated in the mind into uses: (Please add to this list as I should be corrected for acting like an authority. I do borrow cars for groceries.)
Bikes are for moving a person and things that a person can easily carry to destinations within a 20 minute ride (give or take how much time a person has)
Cars are for carrying heavy or bulky items that a bike cannot handle. The exception is that you (yes, YOU) could borrow Scott's Xtracycle pretty much anytime to move much larger items. It can take up to about 200 lbs.
Buses are for extending the distance a cyclist can get to. They extend the reach of the bike to where there truly are few excuses for driving. Anyone who is not sure how to ride the bus with a bike should ask one of us at Salvagetti.

Following these ideas/rules/ways would make the world a less brown-cloud place to be. But, as it stands, people use a car to: go to work, visit a friend, go to Boulder (take the RTD B line!!), pick up a few things at the grocery store. Bus/Bike will do all of these things and save you money.

I am hoping that someone will join me when I ride a bike to a wedding.
Or perhaps offer me a ride to the Vitamin Cottage whenever you are going by car.
Or join me on the RTD 3 to go ride at Green Mountain/ Mathews Winters.
Or walk to your friends house 3 blocks away.


LaffyCaffi said...

Just thought I'd check out your blog... Recently I bought a Bowry from you all. I haven't ridden a fixie since high school (I'm 30 now). Since going fixed, I want to ride everywhere. Yesterday I was riding to work and saw a guy all pissed off, driving his Explorer. He was stuck in traffic and spitting out probably every profanity in the books.

Anyway, I know this comment has no form, but I rode 20 minutes in the thunderstorm the other day with a $7,000 camera in my Chrome bag that I also got at Salvagettis (I'm a wedding photographer - and my clients were surprised to see me roll up for their engagement photos in the rain, on a bike. I love it! My gear stayed completely dry. Other photographers think I am crazy or stupid, because I will ride with my equipment on my back. I love that, too.

I don't know if I could show up to a wedding on the bike because of all the gear I carry and the long distances I have to travel, but I love the fact that my car has been parked for the past three days.

One more note, my favorite thing ever is waking up super early, at like 6 or 7 AM and riding from my home in Glendale out to Common Ground near LODO in the streets. It's cool, quiet, and a great Sat or Sun tradition.

Salvagetti Bicycle Workshop said...

You should check out the xtracycle for carrying a large amount of gear... I have one you are welcome to borrow sometime. - Scott T.